Farmers Love Agritourism Farm Visit In The Summer For Wordless Wednesday

We regret to inform you that the blooming season of our flowers are about to end. You can still view and enjoy our flowers and we will still welcome our beloved guests until December 17, 2023. Thank you for all your support!

         When it comes to immersing yourself in nature's vibrant palette, there's nothing quite like a visit to Farmers Love Agritourism Farm. From the delicate petals of morning glory flowers to the cheerful faces of sunflowers, every step reveals a symphony of colors and scents that soothe the soul and spark joy. So here we went again last summer at the flower farm in Pozorrubio for a short visit. And as expected,  the weather is humid but thankfully there are umbrellas available for use to shield against the heat of the sun.

Visiting today is quite different from our first, as this time the first farm lot we visited is closed (under renovation), and now it's the second farm lot that is available for visitors which is quite an improvement with every corner revealing a new masterpiece painted by nature and the skillful hands by the caretakers.

Rows upon rows of meticulously cared-for blooms stretch before you, each telling its own story through its unique hues and forms. I absolutely love the colors of the flowers, and the field of pink and yellow Celosias are magnificent!
Going here is always worth it, we fully appreciate the beauty of the farm. 

Wander through the garden paths and lose yourself in the kaleidoscope of colors. From the fiery yellow of celosias to the blues of hydrangeas, capture these moments with your camera or simply let them imprint on your memory. 

Here at Farmers Love Farm, each season brings its own set of blooms, creating a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. After the rainy season it bursts forth with pink impatiens and morning glory, while the months before summer itself paints the scene with zinnias and cosmos. 

Here above, they've got lots of blooms currently being cared for. I saw a bed of my favorite vietnam roses being propagated. I made a mental note to look out for these next time we visit.

And here below, striking a funny pose with the umbrella. Truth is we again made a funny mistake of visiting in the afternoon around 2pm, so we often would run to the nearest shade for cover,he-he. Thankfully in this area there are places to take a rest from the bright sun.

The flower farm is not just a place to see, but a place to be. Find a quiet shade, close your eyes, and let the gentle rustling of leaves carry you away from the worries of the world. Listen to the hum of bees and the songs of birds, and feel the soft breeze on your skin as you wander among the blooms. It's a reminder that life's simple pleasures are often the most fulfilling.

I couldn't possibly get those nice photos without my husband patiently taking those. It's great that his Realme c11 phone's data storage has more space and the phone's camera takes better photos than mine.

                                      The yellow variety of Margarita blooms below

📅 Plan Your Visit: Whether you're seeking an enriching educational outing or a relaxing weekend retreat, Farmers Love Agritourism Farm in Pozorrubio is your destination of choice. Book your visit today and embrace the beauty of agriculture in a whole new way!

📍 Location: Brgy Imbalbalatong, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan 

📞 Contact: 0969 232 2019

🌐 Website: Farmers Love Agritourism (Facebook Page) (opening again soon!!)

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                             Wordless Wednesday hosted by Sandee

                             Wordless Wednesday

                              Signs2 Hosted by Tom


Thanks everyone for visiting my blog. We've been busy with daily living and with attending to my family's papers since January, specifically my citizenship as a Filipina-German and our eldest's US citizen status. It has been a lot of work, too much paperwork we've done, yet we are not yet done completely. I'm asking to please keep us in your prayers.

Glad to keep in touch every now and then with you all!


stevebethere said...

What a lovely set of photos thanks for taking us on the visit with you :-)

Have a farmtastic week 👍

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looks a lovely place to visit!

CARMEN said...

Wonderful agri experience! A farm with flowers, plants and pets offers positive energy!

Sandee said...

So beautiful. Wow.

You're so cute too.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Suzana said...

What an amazing place! It's fabulous one!
I love how it's the design of this farm!
Thank you for sharing this beauty!
Happy WW and a fine week!❤️😘

XmasDolly said...

I sure wish I could fix my computer. I have to sign in every time I want to put a comment! Anyway, your garden is amazing and I love the purple flowers by you! Being allergic to bees I don't have this pleasure, but I can surely admire your photos!!! Thank you so much!

Ingrid said...

When I read the word "farm" I was expecting to see cows ! Instead I saw all these colorful flowerbeds, very pretty !

Keith's Ramblings said...

A riot of colour! What a wonderful place to visit.

Klara said...

You blend nicely with all those beautiful flowers 🫢

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Ms. Donyarific provides travel and sight-seeing on a budget, photography, Filipino culture, North Luzon tourism. Ms Donyarific from the Philippines posts about life interest topics, the nearest places to hang out in the province she visits, Dagupan City, Mangaldan, San Fabian, Pangasinan and Baguio City, which she loves most of all!

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