
Suob Or Steam Inhalation Procedure In The Philippines

| Tuesday, September 7, 2021 | , , , , , |


Suob or steam inhalation is a common practice for people experiencing relapse in illness, malaise, body weakness and it's also a good practice for over-all health as we learned from our hilot wellness course.

I remember a time during the 90s that I used to feel frequent nervousness, even panic attacks yet whenever I get checked by doctor there is nothing wrong with me. 

But the symptoms I had were cold and clammy hands and feet, dizziness and occasional agoraphobia. We tried seeking all kinds of cure yet they did not work permanently, until we were advised by an herbalist to try suob (or tuob). We were given the proper procedure, especially the warning NOT TO USE ELECTRIC FAN OR AIRCON and NOT TO BATHE IN COLD WATER.

Then many years later, when Facebook was part of the normal, I've wondered why most people getting ill would say they tried steam inhalation or steam bath and how they got better. And I've got the idea as well from the GERD Forum with testimonies that it has cured them of nervousness combined with hilot massage. 

I'm sharing the procedure of suob or steam bath today:

Procedure ng suob (improvised)
Gather (or purchase) leaves of pito-pito, sambong, suha, avocado, mango, guava, lemongrass and turmeric root
Bring to a boil in 7 cups of water
(when some leaves are not available, the options are boiling turmeric in 5 cups water or boiling a spoon of Vicks with oregano)
🌿🌿👉When herbs are not available, it's easy to buy Aromagicare Therapy Oil, put 5-7 drops of oil in 5 cups of water

When the liquid has boiled, transfer it to a medium-sized pot. Get a chair preferably with holes (as design) in the seating part, because that's where you need to sit. Place the pot under the chair, remove the lid slowly...half-covered at first, so it won't be too hot, but just enough
âš CAUTION: the pot is too hot, avoid getting scalded âš  You will need 1 to 2 bedsheets as covering diring the steam bath process to keep the steam inside. You will perspire quite a lot, so please keep yourself hydrated with lukewarm water, take sips when thirsty.
When steam is no longer hot, remove the bedsheets and get a fresh change of clothes.
Take note: Steam bath or suob, is best done before bedtime or after taking a shower.
After steam bath, avoid taking a shower in 24 hours because the skin's pores are open. Also avoid going outside and check your room for drafts. Avoid the cold breeze outside nor the rain. Electric fans or aircon are not allowed until the next day. If it can't be avoided, then please put on a jacket, long sleeves,bonnet, pajama and socks to avoid getting cold..

Next day, (optional but recommended) get a whole body hilot massage to get rid of toxins
Remember, after hilot massage, shower or bathing is prohibited again.. 😆 the sacrifice is worth it if it means feeling better and in good health again.

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Ms. Donyarific provides travel and sight-seeing on a budget, photography, Filipino culture, North Luzon tourism. Ms Donyarific from the Philippines posts about life interest topics, the nearest places to hang out in the province she visits, Dagupan City, Mangaldan, San Fabian, Pangasinan and Baguio City, which she loves most of all!

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