A Surprise Day Trip To Lingayen Veterans Memorial Park And Lingayen Beach
I was just supposed to stay at home today, for a change.. as I missed just staying here and getting some online chores done. Oh yes, I think I need help with that, dear readers... how to get my blog indexed for SEO or search results. I forgot how that is done. I sure hope someone teaches me "how to get your blog on google search"
I was just getting ready this day to post on Awww Mondays and Monday's Music Moves Me, but I got a call from my hubby of a change of plans that I should come along on a day trip to Lingayen because our grand daughter Rain is also going! And that means for me, the valuable time to bond with her.. and explore more sights to see. This is what I'm always excited for as Rain's aunt and my hubby settle some papers at the registry of deeds. (grown-up stuff, as the little girl says)
This is a link-up for this week's (not-so) Wordless Wednesday, WW hosted by Sandee, Skywatch Friday, Signs2 and Welcome To My Corner Of The World
Too many photos to share today, so please bear with us :)
The World War II Memorabilia Ground Site
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Nice pics from the impromptu bonding opportunity. That beach looks awesome. I think wordpress is better in terms of SEO. I have stuck with blogger though. The keywords present in your posts will get indexed as the search engines crawl periodically. Increase the frequency of the keywords that you want people to search to reach your site.
Thanks for stopping by, Shiju! Yes the beach is so different from the usual ones we have around in Pangasinan. I was awed to see it, it's as if the beach scene came from the Bollywood movies. It's so clean and well-maintained.
Thanks also for the advice on getting indexed on Google. Working my way around it today as well.
Looks like a great way to have spent your day.
This is fabulous especially your granddaughter and her reactions to the military and civilian worlds.
And some great sky-watching today.
SEO - what to do? what to do?
Adelaide Dupont @ Halfway up Rysy Peak.
Such a beautiful place and so amazing. Thanks for sharing it with us. Very nice.
Yes it was kind of a surprise for me to go along with my grand daughter. A very fulfilling day, so much so! Thanks for visiting by :)
...what a little cutie!
Thanks, Pat! It was a lovely place, I just wished we stayed at the beach longer. There was so much to do that day, that we had to schedule for another time for pleasure. My grand daughter and I enjoyed though
What a cutie. Lovely photos. I love it. Regine
Spending time with the little ones is always a delight. She's most beautiful too.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥
A lovely day spent with your cute grandkiddo!
Happy Thursday!
Thank you for showing me this place
What a wonderful day you had - she's a little charmer!
Thanks, Tom! And thanks for adding our post to Signs2, with this cute little girl in the photo :) much appreciated.
Thanks, Regine, for your gracious comment :) She's indeed, and adds the color to a seemingly bland day
I agree, Sandee, she made me forget the passing of time :) Thanks for your comment.
Thanks, Cloudia!
You're welcome, Lillian! Visiting you back today, I appreciate your blog about dogs :)
A well-spent day indeed! Thanks much!
Yes, it's a remarkable day. It's quite different when kids tag along and make the day brighter. She's a delightful one!
what a cutie! I see the resemblance.
So nice to be able to spend the day with your granddaughter. Thanks for taking us along!
Rain is quite the little charmer. It was so nice of you to share your day with us. May I ask how do you index on google?
Beautiful photographs. Sometimes you have to plan and other times you just have to go with the flow!!
Great shots.
Glad you went on this trip with your grand daughter. She is a cute girl. Beautiful photos.
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